
Rapid R&D Tax Credits - Claims Ready in 5 Days

Rapid Claims is our streamlined process for completing R&D tax claims in just 5 days.

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Save time and increase your cash flow. Rapid Claims is quicker and more efficient. Get your benefits in under one week!

As R&D tax credit innovation experts both in the United States and internationally, we’ve taken all our experience and condensed it into a simple, robust and fast process.

Our light-touch approach will keep your involvement in the R&D tax claim process to a minimum, allowing you to focus on your on running your business.  You’ll be assigned a senior consultant with experience in your sector, who will manage the process from beginning to end. With their expertise, we make sure that we don’t compromise quality over speed.

We’ll arrange online interviews with key members of your team, gain a solid understanding of your business and processes, review your financial data, and then compile a robust, comprehensive R&D tax claim for you to submit.

Less time, more cash.

A new approach to R&D tax claims

In just 5 days, we’ll capture any R&D claim you might be undertaking and compile a robust, comprehensive claim report for you to include in your corporate tax return. We’ll keep your involvement to a minimum to ensure you can focus on running your business.

We’ll provide:

  • A dedicated team to manage your Rapid Claim
  • An optimized claim delivered in 5 days
  • A robust approach to ensure compliance

Your involvement:

  • Day 1 – Kick-Off Call: You and your technical team are available for an initial briefing call
  • Day 3 –  Technical Interview: A 2-hour online technical interview
  • Throughout the week, you’re available for quick questions

We cut down on unnecessary meetings and commit to minimize interruptions so that we can produce a high-quality report faster and more reliably than any other provider.

How does Our Rapid Claims process work?

Below you’ll see how a typical Rapid Claims process works and how much involvement we’ll require from you. Timings may vary depending on the complexity of the project. We’ll be clear and up-front if we think Rapid Claims isn’t the right approach for you, as we want to make sure that there’s no R&D left uncovered.

Five day run down of the rapids claim process at Ayming USA